We live in a new kingdom governed by a new covenant. Many want to hold onto the principles of the old covenant law of Moses as a way of pleasing God, making us holy, or at least maintaining a Christian witness. So do we just keep the Old Covenant and add the New Covenant to it? Or is the Old Covenant done away with forever?
During the ministry years, Jesus gave his disciples a “new commandment” that they would need to know and understand. John 13:34 empowers us to love like Jesus. Consider the phrase, “A new command…” Did God not care about love before? Why was this left out of the law? It actually wasn’t. It was there all along embedded in the Spirit of the letter.
We're going to learn the true purpose of the Old Covenant, and discover some beautiful and liberating truths.
The law gave us a theology. Christ gave us himself.
The law told us how to live. Christ calls us to die to find life abundantly.
The law was centered on self. The Christic covenant is centered on Christ.
The Christic Covenant unveils the revelation that you are one with God, in Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
At the Table, you'll discover how union changes everything.
WHEN: Every Monday night at 7pm CST, we gather live online via Zoom. Classes will last an average of 60 minutes. Often there will be guests, time to share and ask questions, and an opportunity to receive prayer.
LIMITED NUMBER: We are limiting the online group to only 100 people to give us the ability to build relationships within the community.
COST: $25 per month. This ensures that only those who are truly interested in healthy participation will be online. It provides a safe space for everyone to learn.
BONUS: You will also receive a link to past studies so you don't miss a thing.
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