In this ten part audio series, Bill Vanderbush will take you on an enlightening and empowering journey through the Book of Revelation and show you some incredible insights that will help you navigate the future in hope.
You will discover and learn:
...that there's more than one mark, and that more people are marked for protection than for destruction.
...that there is more than one beast in Revelation, and the beast has appeared in the Bible before Revelation.
...that heaven and hell appear to be uncomfortably close together.
...why the term "antichrist" isn't ever actually mentioned in the Book of Revelation.
...that the number of the beast isn't an impossible puzzle.
...why the year 70AD is such a crucial key to understanding Revelation.
...why terms like "chiastic arch" and "gematria cipher" are important when studying Jewish apocalyptic literature. to recognize the antichrist, the beast, the dragon, the harlot, and the false prophet today.
...the incredible supernatural signs that happened at the last sacrifice and pentecost of the old covenant and the vital historical period from AD 63 - AD 70.
Most of all, you will discover your role, your assignment, and your destiny in this life.
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