Well it happened, and it was better than we could have ever dreamed. Thank you to all who pushed through every obstacle imaginable to be there. As the Lord leads, we may do it again!
Bill Vanderbush has been a Pastor for over 25 years. Bill grew up on the mission field, traveling all over the world and seeing thousands impacted by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Bill and his wife, Traci, currently travel, speaking in conferences and churches around the world. Bill and Traci have authored more than 10 books including Reckless Grace, The Four People You Marry, and Soul Reformation. Bill created and produced The Quantum Preaching Masterclass which has helped hundreds of speakers and leaders find their voice to become effective communicators of the Gospel. Bill’s consuming passion is to introduce people to the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, who saves, heals, and sets us free. He enjoys empowering others to invade the impossible. Bill and Traci currently live in Celebration, Florida.
Jim Baker and Mary, his wife of over 20 years, are the senior leaders of Zion Christian Fellowship in Powell & Pickerington, Ohio. The church is marked by worship, a strong presence of God, healings, miracles, several dead raisings and a passion for personal and regional transformation. Mary is the worship leader and song writer. Jim is known for his humor and revelatory teaching. He has a passion to see people transformed and equipped to supernaturally demonstrate God’s Kingdom in their sphere of influence. He wrote How Heaven Invades Your Finances, compiled The Jesus School of Healing and co-authored Help! I Am a Pastor with Steve Backlund. He is the founder of WealthWithGod.com which explores wealth building for world changers.
Wear a timeless remineder of our union with God through the truth of Christ's words in Jn 14:20.